Relational Algebra

There are six basic operators:

  1. Select
  2. Project
  3. Union
  4. Set Difference
  5. Cartesian Product

Select Operation \(\sigma_\rho (r) \qquad \rho\text{ - Selection Predicate}\) Only the rows which satisfy the selection predicate are present in the returned relation.

Project Operation \(\Pi_{A_1, \ldots, A_k}(r) \qquad A_i\text{ - Attribute}\) The attributes that are not listed are removed from the relation $r$.

These operations can be composed as shown in the below expression. \(\Pi_{name}(\sigma_{dept\_name = Physics}(instructor))\)

Cartesian Product \(r_1 \times r_2\) Every row of $r_1$ is paired with every row of $r_2$. Cartesian product is usually used along with the select operation to compare rows between two different relations. This composition can be written in short as shown below: \(\sigma_\theta(r\times s) \equiv r \infty_\theta s\) Note that the predicate $\theta$ is over the union of the attributes of $r,s$.

Union Operation \(r\cup s\) The union operation is valid if:

  1. $r,s$ have the same arity (same number of attributes)
  2. The attribute domains must be comparable

Two relations with the above properties are said to be compatible.


Set Intersection Operation \(r\cap s\) ==dammit man==

Set Difference Operation \(r - s\) ==eugh==

Assignment Operation \(tmp \leftarrow r\) This operator acts similar to assignment in programming languages. This is used to break complex queries into smaller, more manageable queries.

Rename Operation \(\rho_x(E)\qquad \rho_{x(A_1, \ldots A_n)}(E)\) This solves the issue of multiple attributes with the same name. That is, $r\times r$ would have every attribute repeated twice. The expression $E$ is renamed to $x$ in the first representation, and the attributes of the expression are renamed to $A_1, \ldots A_n$ in the second expression.

Aggregate Functions

Operation Function
avg Average value
min Minimum value
max Maximum value
sum Sum of values
count Number of values

$Y_{aggregate function} (r)$ returns a single value. For example, $Y_{avg(salary)}(student)$ returns the average salary of all students.

However, ${}{dept_name} Y{avg(salary)}(student)$ groups the average salary of students in each department.