Random Fields

We shall extensively be using the Baye’s Rule, given below.

\[P(H\vert e) = \frac{P(e\vert H)P(H)}{P(e)}\]
Symbol Meaning
$H$ Hypothesis
$e$ Evidence
$P(H)$ Prior
$P(e)$ Marginal
$P(e\vert H)$ Likelihood
$P(H\vert e)$ Posterior

Some of the applications of Baye’s Rule are as follows:

  1. Image Restoration - $P(\text{uncorrupted }\vert\text{ corrupted})$
  2. Image Segmentation/Labeling - $P(\text{Label Image }\vert\text{ corrupted})$

Classic Baye’s Example with gaussian prior on unknown mean

Building Prior Models on Images

Let the dimensionality of the space be $N$ (voxel count). The following prior beliefs are generally valid on uncorrupted images.

  • Image intensities/values are spatially (piecewise) smooth
  • Discontinuities possible only at object boundaries
  • Number of objects $«$ Number of pixels


Topological Space -

Random Field -


Clique $C$ - $C$ contains a single site, or every pair of sites in $C$ are neighbors of each other. $C_i$ denotes the set of cliques of size $i$.

Markov Random Field (MRF)

A random field with sites $S$ and neighborhood $N$ is an MRF when

\[P(X_i\vert X_{S-\{i\}}) := P(X_i\vert X_{N_i})\]

In words, the probability of a site can be computed using only its neighbors. This does not mean that $X_i$ and $X_j$ are independent if they are not neighbors.

MRF is said to be homogeneous if the functional form of $ P(X_i\vert X_{N_i})$ is independent of the position of site $i$ in the topological space.

MRF allows us to model high dimensional $P(X)$ in terms of multiple low dimensional conditional probabilities. (9-dim when 8-neighbor system is used)


Gibbs Random Field (GRF)

A random field is a GRF when the joint distribution equals the Gibbs Distribution. \(P(x) = \frac{1}{Z}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{T}U(x)\right)\)

  • $Z$ - Partition Function, normalization constant (depends on $T$ and $U$)
  • $T$ - Temperature, constant (low $T$, sharp curve ; high $T$, flat curve)
  • $U(x)$ - Energy function
\[U(x) = \sum_{c\in C}V_c(x_c)\]

$C$ is the set of all cliques, $x_c$ is the set of image values in clique $c$, and $V_c$ is the clique potential function defined for the clique $c$.

Homogenous GRF has $V_c$ independent of the location of clique $c$

Isotropic GRF has $V_c$ independent of spatial orientation of clique $c$


Simulated Annealing

$T$ has been used for a stochastic algorithm for optimization, called simulated annealing. (helps to get out of a local minima) Consider the problem of finding the global maximum for the blue curve above with an initial $T$ and initial solution $x$.

  • Keeping $T$ constant
    • Sample $y$ from an isotropic/symmetric PDF in the vicinity of $x$
    • Update $x$ to $y$ with probability $\min \left[ P(y)/P(x)\right]$
  • If $T<\text{(small positive number less than 1)}$, stop
  • Else, reduce $T$ and repeat


$X$ is an MRF on sites $S$ wrt neighborhood system $N$ iff $X$ is a GRF on $S$ wrt neighborhood system $N$. (They are equivalent!)