Classification using Perceptrons

We would like a classifier which maps a data point to one of the given classes. Linear regression is not viable here as the classes are NOT REAL!

A (bad) solution is to assign numbers to classes, but this imposes ordering to the classes, which is not ideal. We use perceptrons for this case, and the classes are modeled as a one-hot encoded vector.

To start off, we shall tackle a Binary Classification Problem where the classes are represented by $+1$ and $-1$.

For input attributes $\phi$ and learnt weights $w$, the hyperplane which separates the two classes would be given by $w^\text{T}\phi = 0$. We look at the perceptron algorithm for learning the weights.

That is, $y_{pred}=1$ if $w^\text{T}\phi>0$ and $y_{pred}=-1$ if $w^\text{T}\phi<0$. Do note that $w^\text{T}\phi$ is the perpendicular signed distance from the hyperplane.

Perceptron Algorithm

We iterate over all the available data. For a given data point $< x_i, y_i >$;

  • If classified correctly, do nothing
  • Marginally correct weights if incorrectly classified.
\[w^{t+1} = w^t + \eta y \phi\]

Note that $y \phi$ is unsigned distance as it is always positive. $\eta$ is the learning rate here.

One of the drawbacks of perceptron algorithm is that it finds any hyperplane which correctly classifies the given data, not the best hyperplane. SVM is used to find the best hyperplane.